
Lovely Intermission

12:15 AM

June has been a complete whirlwind and I can't believe it's almost over. After my vacation to D.C.,I've been so busy with my new job and hanging out with friends. I just celebrated my 20th birthday on the 12th and now I'm ready to be super focused on improving this blog and making it better for you all.

Now,let's talk about this outfit. I have been really loving these pieces individually so I thought I would put them all together. I found this crop top at Belmont Army a couple of months ago and I immediately fell in love with it. It fits so nice and the thin crotchet covering over it and high collar gives it a nice 60s/70s vibe. These high-waisted jeans are from American Apparel and they are amazing. I have practically lived in these jeans for the last few months because they are so comfy and I'm so glad I can now wear them with a little skin out.

 I found these wedges at DSW and I just had to buy them despite my mom's concerns. She always tries to talk me out of buying shoes with this much height because she thinks I can't walk in them without tipping over which is only halfway true lol. I'm 20 years old and I barely own any heels over 3 inches ( judge me now) . Hopefully this changes soon but these simple ones will help me adjust to an added 6 inches of altitude.

From the movie "Selena"

Photos by Akilah Petty
Sunglasses Borrowed
Crop Top Belmont Army
Easy Jeans American Apparel
Wedges Madden Girl via DSW

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  1. Girl, I don't even wear heels, so you are ahead of me! I love your top too!


  2. The outfit is cute! anything high waisted is a win and the wedges are nice and simple.
    My mom has a problem whenever I try to buy heels too haha

  3. love that top looks effortless


  4. Hi.

    Great blog so far! I came across some tips the other day that could help you to be "...super focused on improving this blog..." Not that it needs too much more : )

    1. Thanks so much. I just checked out that post you suggested and it was great :)

  5. Not normally a fan of crop tops but I'm completely in love with this one!


  6. Super cute daisy crop top! Perfect for Summer. The battle with mom will never end, I think my mom has a heart attack every time I wear 5 inch heels haha.

    www.wickedtides.blogspot.com // Bloglovin'!

  7. I so love this look. That top is amazing.
    Maybe we can follow each other via GFC if you like to? Just let me know and I'll follow right back.

    xx Lori

  8. Looking stunning! Those jeans look perfect on you :)
    Loved your blog, would you like to follow each other via GFC? Let me know when you do!

  9. Thanks so much and I will check out your blog :)

