
Liebster Award

3:33 PM

For three months, I have let this post collect so much dust in my drafts. I have put off posting this for so long that I somehow got nominated for the Liebster Award four times!!! I really would like to thank Madeline from Madeline Loves ,Patrice Renee from Lady Stylistique , Julie from My Wilderness, and Angeline Lee from Bucket lists for nominated me. I really appreciate it. For those of you that don't know, the Liebster Award is a tag post that helps spread the word about lesser known bloggers.

The Rules 

Make a post about the Liebster Award and thank the blogger who nominated you
Write 11 interesting things about yourself
Answer the 11 questions created by the blogger who nominated you 
Nominate 11 other bloggers (they must have less than 200 followers) and notify them that you nominated them
Write 11 new question for your nominees

11 interesting facts

I can't go more than 24 hours without listening to music
I have a slight obsession with accents
I am an only child
I used to play Badminton in high school
2004 is my favorite year
Won a contest on Radio Disney when I was 9 years old
I am a Gemini
My celebrity crush is Chris Hemsworth
I used to play the clarinet
I partially know Spanish and Japanese
I've never traveled outside the USA :(

Madeline's questions

1. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
Being able to express my thoughts and views about my favorite things without any restrictions

2. If you could only shop for clothes at one store what would it be?

3. Do you prefer summer or winter? 
Winter because of the fashion and the holidays

4. What is your favorite comfort food?
Chocolate covered pretzels

5. Side part or middle part?
Side Part

6. What is the best movie you saw in 2013?
The Butler

7. What song do you currently have on repeat?
Coastline by B.o.B

8. Dramatic eyes or dramatic lips?
Dramatic eyes

9. Which places are on your travel bucket list?
Tokyo,Paris and London

10. Can you recommend an amazing book?
Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson

11. What are you looking forward to in 2014?
I am looking forward to lots of positive changes in 2014

I am nominating

My questions

1.What or who inspires you the most?

2.What is one item of clothing that you can't live without?

3. What is your favorite fashion themed movie?

4. What are you looking forward to wearing this spring?

5. Heels or Flats?

6. Your biggest style regret?

7. Your favorite song?

8. What's your favorite dessert?

9. The last book you've read?

10. What is your favorite season for fashion?

11. Favorite magazine (on-line or print)?

*Photo found on Google

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