
Summer Favorites

5:28 PM

This summer has gone by so quickly and I can't believe that it's almost over. Over the last few weeks I have developed an attachment to several things to help me get through these long summer days and nights. 

The first would be new favorite sunglasses from H&M (worn here).Next would be my favorite summer read "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)" by Mindy Kaling. This book is extremely hilarious and I highly recommend it. I took the picture of the flowers with my Fuji Instax Camera earlier today and I think it's really beautiful so now it has become one of my favorite polaroids. The nail lacquer is from American Apparel in the 7th and Alameda shade has been slowly growing on me and the color complements everything I wear so perfectly. The cookie is Oatmeal and Cranberry and is from my local grocery store. They are extremely delicious and I have been eating these non-stop while watching those early morning marathons of The Hills on MTV.

I hope everyone is enjoying their last weeks of summer vacation and feel free to leave comments or questions below :)

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  1. hello beautiful¡¡
    these very cute and I really like your blog.
    tE invite to stop by my blog, and if you like it as much as me we can keep yours, you like each other we follow him?

  2. Mindy Kaling is super funny, I'd love to read that book, I had no idea it even existed. And I just finished watching The Hills, love it!

  3. i loooove mindy kaling! i will definitely read her book, thanks for the recommendation! :D

    <3, Mimi

  4. H&M has the cutest sunglasses, I have a pair that folds in half and it's my go-to pair.
    I'll definitely check out Mindy's book. I love humorous books!


  5. Sweetie I don't see your GFC followers but I follow you through Bloglovin #25

  6. cute sunglasses <3


  7. Love this post! I'll definitely have to check out that book, Mindy Kaling is so awesome <3
    And ughhh that cookie looks amaaazing <3 (so much cookie jealousy D: )

  8. Great photo! Love your polaroid picture :)


  9. Someone who has read the Mindy Book! I really, really, really wanna read it! She is hilarious! Best friend material! Love your summer favourites!

    Myra x

    Alluring Style

  10. loooove these- especially that nail colour! xx

  11. mmm, i absolutely love mindy kaling! that book was such a quick read for me cos it was so hilarious i didn't want to put it down! also, those glasses are really chic and minimal. also, so in love with your instant cam pictures; i've wanted the fuji instax wide for so long! ah, yes, the end of summer is nigh. But it has been a good one. Also appreciate your addition of the cookie; delicious snacks like that have been a big part of my summer, no doubt, haha.

  12. I love the glasses and the fact that you have a giant cookie in this photo! Basically, everything about this photo makes me happy! I followed you with GFC and Blog Lovin. Hope you can connect with me, as well!

    : signe
    : the daily savant :
    : the daily savant : Blog Lovin

  13. Great list! I am sad the summer has gone by so quickly!

    Instagram: Cmichellestyles

  14. Interesting list! I love this book! (:
    Nice blog, dear!


  15. Love the polaroid picture! The book sounds good to! Might have to give that a read :) x

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