
Artist Spotlight: Khadijah Jones

2:57 PM

This is the second installment of my Artist Spotlight series. Today I am showcasing Khadijah Jones. I've known her for almost a year now and I can say firsthand that she is amazingly talented and truly devoted to her craft. Below are Khadijah's own words about what she does and why.

All pictures and video are courtesy of Khadijah and her collaborators

My name is Khadijah but I am also known as "galnatural". I am a artist of many things but my focus is to creatively and vocally be a healer. When I was a little girl I was always giving and clear of my purpose and today, still, I am that. Through my blog and my YouTube channel and other social platforms I serve to educate & share to the youth and my community to be awaken. I am on a journey to elevate, empower and transform the lives of others through my art, life experiences and gifts.

Currently, I am evolving a new side of me through my social platforms and directing my image to be of the best version of myself through spiritual healing, photography & the beauty of health. Studying, writing & reading has been my secret to the big bang behind my new idea of the importance of educating the youth of renewing the mind and body through spiritual healing and recognizing the best you inside. I believe my purpose in life is to awaken as many people as God sees fit and through this, the success will follow. 

If you are interested in being a feautured artist, please comment below or send an email to theartofvintagerevival@gmail.com


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  1. In love with your hair <3


  2. Love this so great to find new amazing people x



  3. She's adorable! This is a nice feature! I'm always looking for new creative bloggers and Vloggers to follow. Thanks for sharing!

  4. she is absolutely brilliant! love this series your doing. I have a monthly one too, featuring inspiring women in creative fields: radarmagazine.se/linnwiberg/category/babe-of-the-month/

