
New Beginnings

7:36 PM

I'm so happy that a new month and year is soon to come. 2014 has been filled with numerous trials and tribulations and over the past two weeks of my winter break I had time to reflect on all of them. Looking back, I think I wasted a lot of time this year by stressing and worrying too much. Also, I spent way too much time dealing with toxic people. Those two factors really made me very depressed and left me with so much anxiety. I had my first panic attack earlier this year and after that I knew some things had to change.

Over the summer, I read a few self-help books along with daily mediation and that really stirred me in the right direction. I learned to not to be so hard on myself and to begin the journey of truly loving myself. Loving yourself sounds so simple but in reality it is something that many people forget to do. Accepting yourself despite your flaws and being selective about who or what feeds into your aura is very important. Over the past 12 months, I have been blessed to meet people who have helped me become a better person and artist. I am so grateful to have met so may other bloggers,photographers,models, designers who understand and encourage my passion of creating art and blogging.

This year my blog has grown so much and I am happy for all the opportunities I have been given. A huge thank you goes to my blog's designer,Sarah Gardner,for helping me with my blog's re-design in July. Along with making my blog look crisp and clean, I have started with new post categories such as beauty,culture and soon food. I noticed that I have been less passionate about fashion and OOTD posts lately and those posts take longer for me to create so please be patient. This blog is becoming more of a lifestyle blog so please understand.

Overall, 2014 has given me so much and I can't wait to see what 2015 has to offer. I've had some good times and some bad times this year but despite it all I am still here. I made it to see another year and I plan on it using my time on this earth more wisely. Below I have listed some of my New Year's Resolutions and a video about positivity. Also, if you have any post ideas that you would like to see please let me know down below <3

I love you all for your support and I look forward to seeing more of you in the upcoming year.

My Resolutions for 2015 
Being more patient
Spending more time with family
Becoming mentally and physically fit
Praying and mediating more
Becoming a mentor
Finding an Internship 
Planning a Vacation

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  1. Love this post , I just find your blog and I really love it !



  2. Thanks so much. Stay tuned for more :)

  3. Just came across your blog from your comment and I'm already a fan. I love your resolutions, I have a couple of the same ones so I wish you the best in achieving them!

  4. Thanks Dara. I'm glad you like my blog :)

  5. lovely post <3
    xx Ama


