
Knee Deep Vintage

9:40 PM

This afternoon I was just strolling through the Pilsen neighborhood and decided to do a quick review of one of Chicago's most beloved vintage stores. The store is located at 1425 W 18th Street. The interior of the store was pretty intimate. Everything was basically in one place which I loved. They had a decent variety of t-shirts,jackets,dresses,shirts, shoes, and acessories to chose from. The prices were more than reasonable. Majority of their products were under 30 dollars and the rack outside was filled with clothes that were priced at 5 dollars each. It's refreshing to find a vintage store that doesn't overprice.

After looking around for a few minutes, I decided to buy Clueless on VHS. (Yes VHS lol). My parents still have their VCR and I still plan on making use of it because I love old school technology. Anyway, my experience at the store was very pleasant. Great customer service and  atmosphere. I will definitely come back soon for one of their infamous midnight sales on Second Fridays.



Also, if you have been here before, I would love to read about your experience so leave a comment down below :)

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