
A Night At The Circus

9:08 PM

On February 7th, Circus Magazine collaborated with the Hispanic Journalists of Columbia and threw its first event. The event included live performances and a fashion show. Local Chicago acts like DJ 13laculaAshton Martin, Afro Fuzz, and the 151s performed all throughout the night. The fashion show was at the dead center of the event and I was so happy that I had the opportunity to help style and organize the show. The theme of the fashion show was the evolution of style. Anshunee and I styled looks inspired from the 1950s to the present.

The event had a great turnout and mostly everything turned out exactly as planned. The decorations, music,models,hair stylists and the entire team at Circus were amazing. I can only hope that the next event we throw will be just as good. P.S. the promotional photo shoot for the event was shot by Lyndon French was perfection and you should definitely check that out.

Photos below are by JoJo Sounthone
The beautiful marque sign designed by Sarah Gardner

With fellow stylist Anshunee

People at the event chatting it up

A picture I took of some of the models in the fashion show
The models preparing for their walk as I hide in the background 
Some of the Circus Magazine team (From left to right) Brian,Bianca,Katie,Lindsey,myself, and Anshunee

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  1. love your dress it looks so good on you!


  2. Love the outfit! Just wanted to ask, how did you get involved with this event? Were you already working for Circus magazine? I'd love to get involved with fashion shows here in Sydney :)


    1. Thank you and yes I was already working for Circus magazine. Myself and several other students at my college helped plan it. I think Fashion Week in Sydney is coming up so I would definitely try to volunteer :)

