
Don't Worry Be Happy

12:49 PM

Photo via untrustyou.tumblr.com

This morning I woke up with a million and one things on my mind. I was just laying in bed and thinking about all of the things I would have to do within the next week. Basically, I was stressing myself out and worrying about whether or not I couldn't handle all of it. Then I stopped and realized that worrying about things I can't control is only going to make things worse. I definitely had to play some happy music to help calm my nerves. Don't Worry Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin made me feel so much better. Every time I hear this song, it makes me think of my early childhood and how simple things used to be.

 Happy Sunday :)

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  1. "Every time I hear this song, it makes me think of my early childhood and how simple thing used to be"

    That brought back memories. :)
    Love the post.
    Glitter And Blush

  2. Hi dear!! Good morning :)
    Your blog is so cool, i really love your style!!
    Come to see mine, and my new post "Stand here"

  3. Don't worry, be happy. Such a perfect mantra! I love your blog, so I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! Here's a link to my post about it http://www.alittledreamforme.com/2014/01/liebster-award.html

  4. Hey! :) Ok. I was going to say I nominated you for a liebster awarrd but I guess someone beat me to it. Anyways if you'd still like to check my post about it, here. :)


    :) Nice blog by the way!

  5. Such a cute post :) Love that first photo too!
    Lucia's Loves

